P.U.S.H (Persevere Until Success Happens)
has been one of the important concepts of my life.
Brinnke Perilus is a U.S. Navy veteran, an author and a federal criminal investigator who legally migrated to the United States from Haiti at the age of 20. Unable to speak English and without a high school diploma from his country, he worked at a car wash during the day while attending Lindsey Hopkins Technical College at night.
Perilus was able to climb from the academic bottom of his ESL (English as a Second Language) class at night to receiving his high school diploma from Miami Edison Senior High School; then, he joined the U.S. Navy. After his honorable discharge from the military, Perilus attended Miami-Dade College where he obtained an Associate degree. During his short fourteen months at the Miami-Dade College, Perilus was told by his developmental education writing course (ENC 0015) professor that he will never be proficient at writing in the English language; that statement ignited a burning desire for Perilus to become proficient at writing in the English language. Perilus eventually attended the University of Central Florida where he completed both his undergrad and graduate studies. Before Perilus met the man who inspired him to get a terminal degree, Perilus just wanted to get a bachelor’s degree in criminal justice and eventually work for the criminal justice system as an FBI Agent, an ATF Agent or a Deputy United States Marshal.

One day, during an undergrad evening class, Perilus stayed after class to talk to his then professor, Dr. Joseph Sanborn, who challenged him to get a terminal degree. Since that conversation with Dr. Sanborn, Perilus was on a mission to obtain his PhD – a goal that he eventually achieved. During his time at the University of Central Florida, Perilus became the ‘go-to guy’ for students who needed help with college math and writing. Perilus has helped college students with college writing all over the South and Central Florida area.